Hospitals & Health Systems
WatchRx helps Hospitals and Health Systems deliver value-based care, lower transitional care costs, reduce readmission, and improve patient outcomes.

WatchRx helps Hospitals and Health Systems deliver value-based care, lower transitional care costs, reduce readmission, and improve patient outcomes.

Why Choose Us
WatchRx’s solution is purpose-built to increase patient-doctor-caregiver engagement through continuous communication. Our automatic vitals collection, patient-friendly medication reminders, surveys-responses, and caregiver actionable alerts create a safety net for all the stakeholders and can be a key component of your plan to reduce post critical care readmissions.
- Medication Reconciliation
- Post Acute Care Monitoring
- Transitional Care
“WatchRx has really simplified vitals collection, monitoring patient medication adherence, and patient communication.”
Registered Nurse