Medication Adherence

Two-thirds of medication non-adherence is due to inattention and procrastination that often result in hospitalization. WatchRx visual medication reminders and caregiver notifications help keep seniors and chronically ill patients compliant with their medication regimen.

Two-thirds of medication non-adherence is due to inattention and procrastination that often results in hospitalization. WatchRx visual medication reminders and feedback loop are critical component to keeping seniors and chronically ill patient compliant to their medication regimen.

Improve Medication Adherence With Our Reminders and Real-time Caregiver Alerts

Medication Reminders

Customizable medication reminders that displays medication image and announces medication name and dosage.

Cargiver Alerts

Caregiver app and alerts for missed medications and to medication remiders.

Adherence Report

Customizable adherence report to indicate patient compliance.

Medication Adherence Benefits


Reduction in Cost


Savings Per Patient Per Year


Reduction in Hospitalization

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